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Zoning Code | Permit Center | Rural Accessory Building Determination

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Rural Accessory Building Determination
Description: The Town's zoning code was designed to ensure that old accessory buildings, such as barns, corncribs, and graneries, can be retained even though the property has more accessory buildings than what is allowed in the zoning district. For more details see s. 82-25 of the zoning code.

If a building is so designated, it is not counted towards the allowable number of accessory buildings permitted on a lot or towards the allowable building square footage permitted on a lot.

By definition, a rural accessory building is an existing building that is (1) set apart from other buildings as being distinct, due to its construction technique, construction materials, age, local historic significance, or design as determined by the Town Board; and (2) is characteristic of past agricultural practices or rural life, whether presently utilized or not for agricultural practice, as determined by the town board; and (3) which is sufficiently structurally sound to meet minimum safety requirements for the proposed use, as determined by the Town Building iInspector, provided that such determination shall not relieve the property owner of any responsibility or liability as to the building and shall not form a basis of liability against the Building Inspector or the Town.

Decision maker(s):  Plan Commission recommendation, and Town Board action

Application fee: $50 plus any professional chargeback fees
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1. In order for an application to be heard on a given meeting date, the application (including forms, fees, plans, reports, etc.) must be submitted AND deemed complete by Town staff on or before the corresponding submittal date. Because of that, you may want to submit your application before the submittal date. That way, we may be able to let you know if anything is missing and you'll have some time to perhaps get it done before the deadline.

2. Meeting dates and their corresponding submittal dates are subject to change.

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